Repair or replace? When something goes wrong with our belongings, the first steps are to troubleshoot, then to decide whether to consider repairing the item or to replace it.
This same rule applies to electronics, appliances, cars, computers and everything else.
The resources below walk you through all the steps of what to do when something can be repaired.
And the best news? Repairing is usually always cheaper then replacing!

What to Do when an Appliance Breaks Down?
This video guides you through the process of what to do with a broken appliance. Do you need an extended warranty? Probably not.

Don't Fall for Home Repair Scams--At Any Time of Year
Are you alert for home repair scams at all times? Like many homeowners, you may associate home repair scams with the warmer months of summer and early…

Appliance Repair Guide
All those household appliances that are supposed to make our lives easier, sometimes don't. When repairs may be looming or better yet before they rear…

Auto Repair Guide
Have you recently gotten a new (or newer) car? If so, or even if you've had it for some time, here are some of our resources to help you keep it in go…

TV, Radio and Electronics Repair
What do you do when your TV, radio, DVR, DVD player, MP3 player, CD player, camcorder, home entertainment center, or other electronic equipment conks…

Computer Repair Guide
Sooner or later almost every computer develops a glitch, error or problem that simple troubleshooting can't solve. It's time for more extensive repair…