Joey's Gist: Privacy Protection
Are companies allowed to access your data with out you knowing? Of course! So how can you protect yourself? Joey reveals all...

Joey's Gist: Financial Products
What financial products are available to you?
And more importantly, what are their dangers? Always do your research, ask questions and be a skeptic…

Joey's Gist: Mobile In-Game Purchases
Mobile in-game purchases rack up serious charges!! Real money for digital perks.
This week Joey tells you about their tricks and gives you some ve…

Joey's Gist: Impulse Buying
Impulse buying is a terrible habit! So, what can you do?

Joey's Gist: Music Streaming Services
Do you stream music? Great. But do you know the hidden dangers like emotional surveillance tactics? Joey reveals all...

Joey's Gist: Social Media Ads (Part 2)
How to change the settings. Know that you're going to still be getting adds, but they won't be as stalkery anymore, because they won't be based on y…

Joey's Gist: Social Media Ads (Part 1)
So what's the deal with ads on social media!!? Doesn't it feel like we are constantly being targeted? Keep your privacy intact. More next week on th…

Joey's Gist: Snapchat Data Collection
Do you use snapchat? How much data do they have on you? Joey here to share some pretty scary info with you!

Joey's Gist: Social Media Influencers
Social media influencers are everywhere! Anyone can be an influencer which means anyone can be a scam artist. So how can you trust a social media in…