Happy Holidays

Resolve to Avoid These New Year's Scams
Health, relationships, and money — the trifecta of New Year's resolutions. And wouldn't you know it? Scammers are jockeying for position to win.…

Put this Holiday Scam on Ice
(Text Message)
Season's Greetings!
Sorry we missed you.
We tried to deliver a package to your address today, but no one was home.
Click this lin…

A Tale of Holiday Fraud
Gather 'round the fire everyone.
Bring your mugs of steaming hot chocolate and cozy blankets. It's time for a story. One that includes naughty elves,…

Shopping for the Holidays? Watch Out for Scams Online and Off!
Scammers are always trying to find ways to part you from your money and personal information. During this time of the year, they up their game to take…

Get Ready for the Holidays and Comparison Shop!
If you think shopping online is cheaper and easier this holiday season, think again. Here are some caveats...

ATMs, Gas Pumps, and Websites - Oh My!
Big box stores and family members aren't the only ones eager for you to break out your credit card to pay for holiday gifts this season. Scammers are …

Do You Go into (Extra) Debt for the Holidays?
Is going into debt the best way to show your loved ones you care? Probably not. Still, the majority of us do...

Shopping for the Holidays Online? Shop Safely with These Tips
This holiday season many of us will be doing more of our shopping online instead of in person. Making sure that we do it safely and securely may help …

The Revolutionary Hipster's Thrifty Gift Guide
If you're like me (and the internet tells me you're exactly like me, assuming you're my side of the Boomer/Millenial divide), there are few things you…

The Holiday Shopping Season Has Begun! Plan Ahead with These Tips
The holiday shopping season is here. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are no longer just one day. Many retailers, online and off, offer deals for several…

Tips for FoolProof Happy Holidays?
Stay safe this holiday season with these FoolProof tips. From all of us at FoolProof, Happy Holidays!

Before You Start Your Holiday Shopping Read These Tips
The holiday shopping season is here. Whether you plan to shop on Black Friday, Cyber Monday or wait until the last minute, these tips can help you be …

Looking for Alternative Gifts This Holiday Season?
What do you think of as alternative gifts? A family trip? Tickets to a special event? Have you considered helping others. Here are a few suggestions f…

Save Money on Your Holiday Travels
Are you planning to travel this holiday season? Then don't wait. Making reservations and other plans early can save you money and time. Here are tips …

It's Holiday Time. Don't Let Your Guard Down
It's holiday time and for most people, their security and privacy are not foremost in their thoughts. Yet many hazards and threats are more prevalent …

With the Holiday Shopping Season Upon Us, Beware of Fake Apps
With more and more people using mobile devices for shopping, scammers have turned to apps to target consumers. Fake retail and product apps have been …