We live in a time where we are bombarded by advertisements. It’s down to us to question it.
What about native advertising? What is it? Are you maybe falling for it?
The resources below will not only make you a healthy skeptic, but also make you question sellers. It will also help you stop impulse buying, help you save money and more.

Is Your Social Media Nudging You?
Social media nudging is when platforms subtly encourage or guide users to make certain choices or actions. Like liking a post or following someone, …

Have a kid? Go to TikTok
With social media like TikTok and its influencers, the world of
"easy to recognize" ads is gone. Here’s a video to help you understand how your …

Getting a Lot of Personalized Ads?
Your behavior online determines the type of ads you get, a lot of the time. See what's happening and control the ads you see.

Worried About Your Kids Being Manipulated Online?
If your kids spend time online, they're likely encountering "social media influencers" who may try to manipulate their opinions or decision-making. …

How Digitally Aware Are You?
Are push notifications helping you, or costing you? Do you een know? Having a certain level of digital awareness is good for you. Start with this vi…

Experts: You Can Believe All Advertising!
Scientific proof from experts that advertising always tells the truth!

Are Your Kids at Risk of Manipulative Design?
Marketers have a gazillion tricks to get people exposed to ads and make sales, and manipulative design is all over it. Use our video and the resourc…

Should Marketers Be Shaping Kids' Lifetime Habits?
Marketers may use manipulative techniques to increase brand loyalty. Use this video and resources below to protect yourself and your family. FairPla…

Navigating the Choppy Waters of Refurbished Products
As frugal consumers sail through the vast ocean of coupons and promo codes, the captivating sirens of the refurbished racket begin their enchanting se…

Ever Heard of Malvertising?
They're malicious ads in search engine results! Chances are, this is impacting you without you knowing it!
Watch the video to learn more, and go he…

How Credible Are Marketers' Claims?
See all those wonderful promises in ads, what's not to like? Just click and buy... That's exactly what marketers want you to do. But whether it is a…

Marketing - Without the Advertising?
Eight-year-old Billy loves watching videos of C.T. Bubble, his favorite online kidfluencer. At least once a day, C.T. cranks out new videos loaded wit…

3 Tricks to Tackle High Prices
Get ahead of the game. Tackle high prices and a rocky economy down the road, right now!
Start with these recourses and keep your money in your pock…

How Retailers Trick You?
Consumer psychologists help retailers to boost sales. But that's targeting you and your pocketbook... Put a stop to it now!

How to Be an Impulse Saver, Not Spender?
Spending money is easy. So easy, that most people throw away around $200.000 dollars in their lifetime! No kidding… Learn how to be a saver, start…

Have You Played the Marketing Gimmick Game?
Advertisers try to trick you into believing a one-sided pitch—that's what advertising is—as the whole truth and nothing but the truth. P…

The Untold Truth About Grocery Stores!
Most grocery stores will continuously try to get you to buy more. This video will show you the (sometimes unexpected) tricks of the trade... Additio…

What's the Deal with Music in Ads?
Ads are all around us, always. But would you have ever guessed even the music in it is used to manipulate or steer you?

Get Ready for the Holidays and Comparison Shop!
If you think shopping online is cheaper and easier this holiday season, think again. Here are some caveats...

Are You Media Literate?
And why would you need to be? Do you understand all the (social) media's marketing efforts? Exactly... that's why...
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