Make the Most from Senior Citizens' Month!
If you are a senior, it's a perfect month for you to save a lot of money. But it's easy to get scammed, too. Begin by watching this video and then d…

Why Do Scammers Love Senior Citizens?
Happy older Americans month! In order to keep it a happy month, make sure you avoid senior citizen scams, this month or any other time...
Watch the…

Watch Out for Those Senior Scams!
More and more scammers are targeting seniors for scams. Slow down and follow these tips to avoid getting scammed.

Ring! Ring! Is It Really Your Grandchild Calling?
A desperate phone call from your grandchild in the middle of the night can send your blood pressure through the roof.

Senior Scams Are Skyrocketing!
More and more scams are targeting seniors. Watch this video to stay ahead of the potential trouble and stress.

Pat's Technical Support Scam
I was scammed July 10, 2020. I am 82 years on and have been a widow for three years.
I have had technical support contract with Canon Technical Suppo…

Watch Out for These Latest Twists on Senior Scams
Scammers love to target senior citizens. Some seniors are good targets because they are trusting, uncomfortable with technology, and usually answer th…

Is Borrowing from Your 401k Smart?
It is an increasing trend! And boy is it tempting. But is it smart? Probably not, if you wish to retire (soon)...

Insurance Planning
What kinds of insurance—and how much—do you need now? What kinds and amounts will you need in ten years or twenty? Financial planning expe…

Privacy Issues
In today's 24x7 world, our lives are becoming an open book to everyone. You can keep your personal information private but only if you know how it can…

Computer Savvy
For many of us, computers aren't just a convenience they are a necessity. With that in mind, this section provides some resources on how to stay conne…

Travel and Leisure
How can you find the best deals on travel? How can you separate the travel deals from the scams? What's your favorite leisure activity? Walking and hi…

Leading an Active Life
Staying active and engaged in the life of the community is a vital key to well-being and independence. People who volunteer with organizations and cau…

Health and Well-Being
Folks over 50 in the 21st century are reinventing aging—that's the news flash from the health and medical community, not just from the social trends…

Estate Planning
Part of planning for the future is deciding about what will happen to your estate after your death. Another issue is deciding what should happen shoul…

Retirement Planning
What is retirement? The day you end your career at "the company"? The day you receive your first Social Security check or take your first IRA/401K wit…

Home Buying for Empty Nesters
Now that the kids have flown the coop, it's time to assess your home. Is a new home in your future or are you thinking of making changes to your prese…

Financial Planning for Present and Future
Sound financial planning creates the foundation for personal and family prosperity and peace of mind. Few of us, however, have received any formal tra…